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Seguin Early Childhood Center

Home of the Suns

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Hello, my name is Lourdes Powell, and I am the Bilingual/ESL Lead Teacher (Facilitator) for Seguin ECC. I test and identify program placement for all incoming Pre-K students that speak more than one language.  We offer two additional programs here at Seguin for qualifying students:

  • Dual language one-way immersion
  • ESL (English as a Second Language)


In addition to supporting our Limited English Proficient students I also coach teachers on sheltered instruction and ways to help our limited English speakers be successful in Pre-K. I am available for all parents that may need assistance with program placement, translating (Eng/Span), or additional support for your students at home. I offer parent engagement sessions during the school year for parents of registered students to help support their children at home with strategies and activities that are fun and engaging. If you have any questions or concerns about your child’s program placement, I am available to help!

A woman sitting at a wooden desk in an office, smiling as she works on a personal computer.


Lourdes Powell
ESL/Bilingual Lead