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Seguin Early Childhood Center

Home of the Suns

Welcome to Seguin ECC

Daily Schedule

Bus Transportation

For the 2024-2025 school year, and in
alignment with our mission to remain a

destination District, Lamar CISD is moving

from Smart Tag to Tyler Technologies

Versatrans My Stop ™ (My Stop).

With My Stop, you can now access your

 student’s bus route through the e-link to


  • Route number
  • Bus stops
  • Estimated arrival/drop-off times

Click here to login:

To log in, you will need your student(s) ID number

and date of birth. 

Bus Transportation is provided for students attending Seguin Early Childhood.
Contact 832-223-2200 for more information.

Se proporciona transporte en autobús para los estudiantes que asisten a Seguin Early Childhood. Comuníquese al 832-223-2200 para obtener más información.